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You are visiting my site on: March 12, 2025

A welcome Addition to New Orleans

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I’ll have to tell you”¦..I’m an unabashed Angelina Jolie fan.  She is a captivating women and one really fine actress.  I haven’t missed any of her recent movies.  A few of my favorites are “Life or Something Like it,” Original Sin, Wanted, and Beyond Borders.  I have watched her in Laura Croft-Tomb Raider several times.  And she deserves an Academy Award (she has one already) for her compelling role in Changeling.  She has mesmerized New Orleans with “Jolie watches” being posted on the internet regularly when she is in her new adopted home. Below are her video comments about New Orleans.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Iq0sqJD4hZU" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

2 Responses
  1. Hardy Parkerson

    Looks like you have pretty good taste, Jim Brown. She looks like a girl I used to date. She ditched me when I told her I wanted to marry a girl with verry, verry smart
    girl and raise smart children. Well, I did; and we did. The next time I am
    going to marry a dumb blond,
    if I can find one that’ll have

  2. Hardy Parkerson

    Yes, one day I’m going to learn to proof-read before I hit Submit Comment button. Sorry! It should have been:

    Looks like you have pretty good taste, Jim Brown. She looks like a girl I used to date. She ditched me when I told her I wanted to marry a very, verry smart
    girl and raise smart children. Well, I did; and we did. The next time I am
    going to marry a dumb blond,
    if I can find one that’ll have
    me. There is more to it all than this, but this is something to think about.

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