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You are visiting my site on: February 13, 2025

Counting Votes Election Night

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Now that the election is over, I wrote this week about some of the winners and losers in the past election.  The list includes La. Gov. Bobby Jindal, Tina Fey and Joe the Plumber.  Yu can read it now by Clicking Here.


If you know anything about Louisiana politics, you are well aware of how exciting election night can be.  The Secretary of State’ office is a buzz counting the precinct returns as they come in from Clerk of Court’s offices all over the state.  In the old days (pre-1980), there was a wait of several days before complete results were known.  I changed all this when I was elected as Secretary of State, and the system has been updated ever since.  I paid an election night visit to the office and visited with current Secretary of State jay Dardenne (below) as the returns came in late Saturday night.


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