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You are visiting my site on: February 19, 2025

Campbell shakes up cable television news

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Daughter Campbell has caused a lot of controversy  on the cable news circuit.  She was profiled in Saturday’s New York Times on the growing popularity of her weeknight evening television show and how she has become more opinionated during the current Presidential campaign.   You can read the Times article by Clicking Here. And you can watch her television rant below

.[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/tLlXxMY2LHI" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Should Louisiana Secede from the Union ?

Don’t laugh.  You might find the logic interesting.  Check out my NEW column on how the Bayou State has been continually short changed.  YOU can read my reasoning now by Clicking Here.


The current financial crisis has not been helpful to Sen. John McCain's candidacy. That's the analysis from consultant dick Morris, who is a regular on conservative talk shows like Sean Hannity. Take a look at the electoral map put together by Morris to see his take on where the electoral votes are for both McCain and Obama. by the way, Dick Morris took the first poll I ever paid for back in 1986. He told me then I should have run for U.S.Senate. And I should have listened to him. To see his state by state analysis, Click Here.map221.jpg

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