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You are visiting my site on: February 14, 2025

Insurance Issues After Gustav

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Now that the storm has passed along the gulf coast and (fingers crossed) Hurricane Ike seems to be moving away from Louisiana, insurance issues are now on the front burner for many residents. Wind this time, not water. And that’s good news, for insurance companies cannot hid behind questionable water claim denials. Losses in Louisiana will top $15 billion, significantly above what is being projected by the La. Insurance Department. (You can read about their low ball numbers by Clicking Here.) Many homes took a lot of damage and electricity has not been yet restored. But it’s important to contact your property insurance company as soon as possible.

Another blow to Louisiana homeowners is the sharp rise in what they get for their money.  At the urging of the La. Insurance Department, the legislature irresponsibility allowed insurance companies operating in Louisiana to impose deductibles as high as 5 %.  This has really put many homeowners in a financial bind.  As a national insurance consumer group asked: “Who’s looking out for Louisiana homeowners?” To read of the hardships being caused, Click Here.

If you have any trouble reaching them through normal channels, here are two options. First, you can get the storm number of insurance companies operating throughout Louisiana by Clicking Here. Look on the top left side of the page. Second, is all else fails, don’t hesitate to email me, and I will be glad to try to steer you in the right direction. You can contact me at info@thelisburnpress.com.


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