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Marine researcher Humberto Fontova did a major study of oil production and its environmental effects on
Of the roughly 3,700 offshore oil production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, some 3,200 lie off the
On the other hand,
But forget cheaper oil and less pollution for a second. All fishermen and scuba divers out there should plead with their states to open up offshore oil drilling posthaste. I refer to the fabulous fishing ““ the EXPLOSION of marine life that accompanies the erection of offshore oil platforms.
The original plan, mandated by federal environmental “experts” back in the late ’40s, was to remove the big, ugly, polluting, environmentally hazardous contraptions as soon as they stopped producing. Fine, said the oil companies.
About 15 years ago some wells played out off
Every “environmental” superstition against these structures was turned on its head. Marine life had EXPLODED around these huge artificial reefs: A study by LSU’s Sea Grant college shows that 85 percent of
The Flower Garden coral reefs lie off the Louisiana-Texas border. Unlike any of the
These have been pumping away for the past 50 years. Yet according to G.P. Schmahl, a Federal biologist who worked for decades in both places, “The Flower Gardens are much healthier, more pristine off the
“A key measure of the health of a reef is the amount of area taken up by coral,” according to a report by Steve Gittings, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s science coordinator for marine sanctuaries. “
 Most of the red snapper you eat in
So here is the bottom line. We can see the price of gasoline continue to rise, and realistically reach five dollars a gallon or more. And we can stand by as the amount of fishing along the Gulf continues to diminish. Or, the nation can follow
 If the reaction I received along the east coast this week is any indication,
It is evident that the fortunes of the world’s human population, for better or for worse, are inextricably interrelated with the use that is made of energy resources.
— M. King Hubbert
Peace and Justice.
There is little doubt that the people of Louisiana and the rest of the nation look at things differently. However the people of Louisiana have become less likely to depend on government since Katrina and Rita. We know what is is to be ignored by our elected officials. North Louisiana especially knows the feeling of being the “red headed step child” when it comes to having representation in both the state and federal levels of government.
Our government has failed us miserably, as it is now failing the nation. the dirrerence in the people of Louisiana and the rest of the nation is we have grown accustomed to failure.
DeWayne Guice
Harrisonburg, Louisiana
“Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” Yes, government has failed us. And it is because we have lost our “founders” way. A new party is being formed, and it shall lead! Learn more about the Louisiana Conservative Party.