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You are visiting my site on: March 13, 2025

Jindal receives tough reviews for his rebuttal speech

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Jim’s Sunday show is normally on WRNO in New Orleans from 11:00am until 1:00pm.  However, because of NASCAR programing, Jim will be on the air this Sunday from 12:00pm until 1:30pm.  The subject this week, what else, is La. Governor Bobby Jindal’s weak rebuttal to th President’s State of the Union speech.  Is it time form Jindal to come home and get to work?  See what Jim’s listeners think by turning in at WRNO.com.

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Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal went toe to toe with the President Tuesday night, and the reaction around the country is that Jindal blinked.   His words read better than how the Governor delivered them, but the was filled with the same old GOP rhetoric we’ve been hearing for 20 years”¦.government is the problem and we need more tax cuts.  I gave my analysis in this week’s column now up.  Actually, I was much easier on the Governor than a number of conservative TV Pundits.  You can hear Jindal’s speech and some of the reaction in the news clips below.  You can read my new column by Clicking Here.

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